How to start this business?
Well. Since this business involves physical products there are some offline formalities. You have to fill up a Registration Form, an Order Form and submit them to the nearest stock point. (Since this business is 9 years old, company has various stock points in almost all the places all over India. Surely you will have one near you.)

What about company's support in my growth?
This is an excellent question. (YES. Only those who find the potential of this business, ask this question.)

Our Company provides excellent support to the distributors in various ways, such as
  • Company conducts seminars for explaining the business at various places all over India. All the seminars are free. (You can take your friends to the meeting, instead of you explaining the business to them. The company knows that NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT EXPLAINING THE BUSINESS.)

  • For convenience of those who cannot attend the meeting, our company has released various CDs in all major Indian languages.

  • Though company has Branches in all major localities, there are some remote places. For those people, company ships the products to the new comers without any courier charges, even for initial order of Rs.700.

  • For subsequent orders worth Rs.4800 or more, again there is no courier charge. (5 or 6 distributors can place orders together and get the products delivered to a single address.)

What about team support?
This is another excellent question.

We are working as a team. We promote this business in many ways like Newspapers, Internet, Handbills and few other possible ways. We will include your phone number in our promotions (only if you consent for that), so that you will get random leads from our efforts.

Apart from this, we want everyone in our team to succeed. The company's official statement is "In your success, lies our success". We follow the same. If we make you successful, we automatically achieve success. So, we will be helping you all the way.

Anything else?
Yes. There are few things to be considered.

  • Our company is 9 years old.

  • There are already around 20 lakhs members. This makes our company second largest company in India. (And first Indian company of that kind.)

  • Our company is the ONLY COMPANY to become international, which started in India, in the Direct selling industry.

(I have no other way to emphasize it)

JOIN TODAY. (or at least analyse this plan before you leave.)


Murali said...

I am sorry

But ultimately income potential and how the income gets accrued should also be explained

Venkataraman said...

Dear Murali...

If you have watched the video on main page, you could have known.

Well. The income is based on team building mainly.

The income potential is unlimited. (My immediate sponsor has went to CHINA yesterday, through this business. He is earning Rs.60,000 every month.)

The person who speaks in the video is earning Rs.10 lakhs or more every month.

- venkataraman